Friends of

Brenda Phillips

Keep Brenda Phillips, Auditor

Please accept my introduction as your City of Amherst Auditor, Brenda Phillips. I am very honored to serve you. The Auditor works closely with the mayor, treasurer, and city council to prepare the city’s annual budget and address other financial matters. The Auditor also reviews and approves all city purchase orders.

If you’d like to receive updates on city activities, send me an email, and I’ll add you to the notification list.

[email protected]

Cell: (440) 984-7268

Vote November 7, 2023

Upcoming Events

Amherst Area



Amherst City Council Meeting

7:00 PM -
Council meetings are held every second and fourth Monday of the month. All meetings are held at City Hall, 206 S. Main Street (unless otherwise noted). All meetings held at City Hall are streamed live. Archived meetings are available for viewing as well.

24, 28, 31


Trick or Treat options

Tuesday, October 24, 6-7:30pm, Amherst Manor, 175 North Lake Street.

Saturday October 28, 11-2pm, Trunk or Treat at St Paul’s Lutheran Church, 115 Central Drive.

Saturday, October 28, 4-5pm, Downtown Amherst Businesses.

Tuesday, October 31, 6-7:30pm, traditional Trick or Treat at participating residences in your neighborhood.



Amherst Halloween Parade and Costume Contest-Hosted by Studio Q Photography, LLC

Costume contest judging 3:30pm. Parade at 4pm from 480 Park Ave to Town Hall. (Email me at [email protected] for more info or see Main Street Amherst Ohio Facebook)



Election Day

630am - 730 pm

Website under construction - check back soon


Paid for by Friends of Brenda L. Phillips